Security > NHN AppGuard > API Guide

To use the API, you must request permission through 1:1 Inquiry.

[API Domain]

Region Domain
All regions

Authentication and Authorization

User Access Key ID and Secret Access Key are required for authentication to use APIs. Go to Member Information > API Security Settings to create them. The created Key must be included in the request Header.

[Caution] If a member with the User Access Key ID/Secret Access Key linked to the API call withdraws, the customer's service may be interrupted, so the key must be replaced with a valid member's key before withdrawal.


Retrieve abnormal behavior detection status

Retrieves abnormal behavior detection status by user/device. Data for the current day is not available.


This API does not require a request body.


Method URI
GET /v1.0/appkeys/{appkey}/dashboard/abnormal-status


Name Type Required Description
X-TC-AUTHENTICATION-ID String Required User Access Key issued by NHN Cloud Console
X-TC-AUTHENTICATION-SECRET String Required Secret Access Key issued by NHN Cloud Console


Name Type Required Default value Valid range Description
targetType Integer Optional 0 0, 1 Type of ID to output (0=Device ID, 1=User ID)
targetDate Date Required - (N-90) day ~ (N-1) day Target date (format=YYYY-MM-DD)
os Integer Required - 1, 2 Retrieve target OS (1=Android, 2=iOS)
Request example

curl -X GET "{appkey}/dashboard/abnormal-status?targetType=0&targetDate=2024-01-01&os=1" \ 
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
 -H "X-TC-AUTHENTICATION-ID: {user_access_jey}" 
 -H "X-TC-AUTHENTICATION-SECRET: {secret_access_key}"



Field Type Description
header Object Header area
header.isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
header.resultCode Integer Result code
header.resultMessage String Result message
data List Abnormal behavior detection status list by user
data[0].abnormalId String User ID or device ID (depending on the value of the path parameter targetType )
data[0].total Integer Abnormal behavior detection totals
data[0].cheatCount Integer Cheating tool detection count
data[0].emulatorCount Integer Emulator detection count
data[0].modificationCount Integer Temper detection count
data[0].debuggerCount Integer Debugger detection count
data[0].rootingCount Integer Rooting detection count (based on the path parameter os, Android Only)
data[0].speedHackCount Integer Speed manipulation detection count (based on the path parameter os, Android Only)
data[0].networkCount Integer SSL Pinning detection count (based on the path parameter os, Android Only)
data[0].virtualCount Integer Virtual environment detection count (based on the path parameter os, Android Only)
data[0].remoteCount Integer Remote control detection count (based on path parameter os, Android Only)
data[0].macroCount Integer Macro tool detection count (based on the path parameter os, Android Only)
data[0].blackCount Integer Blacklist detection count (based on the path parameter os, Android Only)
data[0].macroSuspectCount Integer Macro suspect user detection count (based on the path parameter os, Android Only)
data[0].jailbreakCount Integer Jailbreak detection count (based on the path parameter os, iOS Only)
data[0].hookCount Integer Hooking detection count (based on the path parameter os, iOS Only)

[Response Body]. Example os=1 (Android) response

Response example - Android (os=1)

    "header": {
        "resultCode": 1,
        "resultMessage": "Request success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": [
            "abnormalId": "id123", 
            "total": 12,
            "cheatCount": 1,
            "emulatorCount": 1,
            "modificationCount": 1,
            "debuggerCount": 1,
            "rootingCount": 1,
            "speedHackCount": 1,
            "networkCount": 1,
            "virtualCount": 1,
            "remoteCount": 1,
            "macroCount": 1,
            "blackCount": 1,
            "macroSuspectCount": 1

Response Body - iOS (os=2)

    "header": {
        "resultCode": 1,
        "resultMessage": "Request success",
        "isSuccessful": true
    "data": [
            "abnormalId": "device123", 
            "total": 6,
            "cheatCount": 1,
            "emulatorCount": 1,
            "modificationCount": 1,
            "debuggerCount": 1,
            "jailbreakCount": 1,
            "hookCount": 1

Error Code

Codes not specified below follow the Gateway error codes in API Gateway and HTTP Response Status Code (RFC9110).

code message Description Note
4000001 INVALID PARAMETER Invalid argument
4010001 INVALID APPKEY Invalid appkey Verify that the user used for authentication is the user included in the appkey
4010007 Invalid user access key. Invalid user access key
4010008 Invalid user access key or secret access key. Invalid user access key or secret access key